Whats my name ?

Amir Jafari

How old am i ?

24 years old , I was born november 15th 1998 in Qazvin , Iran

Whats my job ?

I am a professional Graphic Designer In Marketing and Advertising Field . My main abilities in this area is :

Design professional Logo for Companies

Design and Make Advertising Animations

Design Professional Logomotions

Design Advertising Campain

Help Companies with Social Media Marketing , Branding and Strategy Making Issues

How long do i work in this field ?

I Started this job Three years ago right after a startup failure when i realised i was made for this job . Since then i am working as a freelance graphic designer and Gaining experience day by day...

Whats my Academical field of study ?

I am currently a BCs student in business management major at Qazvin Azad University (QIAU) 

What am i Interested in ?

I am interested in creativity , freedom , happiness and growing

What do i do in my free time ?

Besides practicing , I usually spend my freetime watching movies , listening to music , read books and traveling

I also enjoy spend time with my freinds and family . 

How do i describe myself in one sentences ?

The one with the most enthusiasm and thrilled for life enjoying activities

If you have any further question about me Or if you want us to work in the same project Please dont hesitate to leave a message here